Bargaining updates: August 29th

Read the Tentative Agreements
PDF’s of tentative agreements are linked in the article tracker. Printed copies are available in a three ring binder in the L3E breakroom.

New Articles Introduced
Our bargaining team introduced the Hours of Work article.

Our opening proposal defines rates for overtime pay, states that an employee’s work schedule will not be changed without a two-weeks’ notice, and that non-exempt employees are allowed meal and rest periods. The article also defines travel time for non-exempt employees as work time, if they are traveling for Academy business.

Our bargaining team introduced the Leaves of Absence article.

Our opening proposal states the Academy will continue to provide leaves to employees in accordance with the Employee Handbook and the law, and that all benefits will continue to be provided while on leave. We also proposed that employees may request full-time or part-time leaves for educational purposes.

Your Rights
Our bargaining team was told that a staff member was told to not wear their union shirt. If anyone comes up to you and tells you to remove your union shirt or pin, please let the Bargaining Team or CAT know ASAP. As a reminder, wearing your union shirt and pin is a protected activity, meaning management cannot retaliate against you or tell you to remove these. This warranted a conversation amongst the bargaining team about the uniform policy at large.

Upcoming Articles
Our bargaining team spent time reviewing the remaining articles we still need to introduce, including:

  • Health and Safety

  • AI Usage at the Academy

  • Educational Compensation and Professional Development

  • Uniform Policy

  • Education about the Colonialist History of the Academy

In caucus, the bargaining team spent time discussing DEAI topics, and reviewed the TMC recommendations from their final report. How would you like to see this approached in our contract?

Do you have questions or comments about the articles we’ve introduced so far? Ideas about DEIA topics? Do you have ideas or concerns related to workplace health and safety? Please share with us!

What else can you do?

  • Wear your CAWU button every day

  • Wear your CAWU shirt on Thursdays.

  • Sign up for membership here and talk with your colleagues about why it matters

  • Follow the CAWU article tracker and speak to your representative on the bargaining team or a CAT activist about your issues and concerns

  • Share our community letter writing campaign with your friends, family, and community connections


Bargaining updates: September 4th


Bargaining updates: August 19th