Bargaining updates: August 19th

Please attend your monthly all-unit union meeting this Tuesday, August 20, from 12:00pm to 1:45pm in the Moss Room. Formal updates and discussions end at 1:00 pm, but the room stays open for informal chats and discussions afterward. Pizza provided.

At the meeting we’ll review progress so far, and talk about what’s coming up in negotiations. Nato Green, 1021 staff member and CAWU’s lead negotiator, will join us to discuss our wages proposal and review the tentative agreements we have so far.

If time permits, we’ll also discuss our hours of work and vacancies proposals.

August 15th Bargaining Session Update

We introduced the wages proposal
Our opening proposal includes a starting wage of $25/hour, regular annual across the board increases for every position, extra pay based on years of service, and bilingual pay.

We introduced the vending machine proposal
Management asked us to write a proposal about who will be responsible for the maintenance and restocking of the vending machines.

We received no counter proposals from management.

Dues deductions discussed

Lisa Bui, Membership Director from SEIU 1021, and Rudy Morales and Cuc Ly from the Academy joined this session to discuss how membership dues and contributions to the Committee on Political Education (COPE) deductions will be administered once our contract goes into effect. Read more about COPE deductions below.

Here’s info about COPE From SEIU’s website:

The Committee on Political Education (COPE) is made up of SEIU members, staff, and retirees who contribute monthly to ensure that we have the political power to protect our hard-earned political and legislative victories that improve public services and the lives of working families.

We know that who we elect and what they do when they are in office determines much in our everyday lives: from our livelihoods to our health and safety. We know when we speak with one voice about what working people need, our elected officials listen.

Once we ratify our contract, membership dues will be 1.74% of your wages.

Bargaining Team Office Hours,  Wednesday August 28 12:00-2:00pm
The bargaining team wants to hear from you!

Attend office hours in the L3E breakroom and share what is important to you for our first contract. What would a promotion policy look like to you? Do you like our current benefits? Do you have ideas or concerns related to workplace safety? Please share with us!

What else can you do?

  • Wear your CAWU button every day

  • Wear your CAWU shirt on Thursdays

  • Sign up for membership here and talk with your colleagues about why it matters

  • Follow the CAWU article tracker and speak to your representative on the bargaining team or a CAT activist about your issues and concerns

  • Share our community letter writing campaign with your friends, family, and community connections 


Bargaining updates: August 29th


Bargaining Updates: August 2024