Bargaining Update + T-shirt/Button Day TODAY 🐝

Our bargaining Team meets with management again today for another bargaining session. Are you wearing your shirts and/or pins? Visibility makes a difference!

Here’s what happened last session:

Bargaining on April 2, 2024

Benefit cost increases

The bargaining team was given another unannounced presentation by the Academy’s benefits consultants from HUB International about increasing benefit costs.

Management proposes to assume the bulk of the increase, with our bargaining unit members taking on a smaller proportion. In management’s proposal, the proportion passed on to employees would be distributed using tiers based on earnings, in a similar fashion to the existing scheme.

Our Bargaining Team will be meeting to discuss the merits of the Academy’s proposition, including a consultation with the SEIU Research Team regarding the state of the Academy’s financials, to better determine our next steps in negotiations.

What do you think about benefits increases and our current cost sharing scheme? Contact your Bargaining Team representative or anyone on the Contract Action Team. What do your colleagues think?

Tentative agreements 

Time Off for Voting! Our first tentative agreement. This article of our contract, if we ratify it, will ensure time off to vote in local elections.

Continuing negotiations

More discussion over Appendix A, specifically regarding union eligibility within the accounting department. 

Coming up

Management would like to talk to the Bargaining Team about the budget deficit that it has forecast.

Stay informed

Track bargaining on contract articles with our tracker sheet.

Get involved

Talk to your colleagues, attend a meeting. Check the Cal Academy Workers United Google Calendar.


Bargaining update, April 16th


April news