Bargaining update, April 16th

Your Bargaining Team met with management on April 16th. Read on for a synopsis of discussion topics, details, some thoughts on management’s messaging, and what you can do.

This session, like many previous sessions, was devoted mostly to management requests that the bargaining team approve immediate changes to status quo conditions, and not to negotiating contract articles.

Management says that the board has made a determination that the budget must be balanced this year—the same board that (according to the FY23 990) approved a $145,000 bonus for the executive director within the last year. Bargaining team members pointed out that the Academy’s 990s show that the Academy records a negative net income about as often as it records a positive one. Management so far has only discussed two cost-cutting measures with the Bargaining Team: 1) passing on $54,000 of benefit cost increases to bargaining unit staff, and 2) layoffs.

Proposed benefit cost increase
Our bargaining team let Academy management know that they would not agree to pass on any  benefit cost increases to unit members at this point in negotiations, but that when the wages and benefits provisions of the first contract come to the table, then it will be time to talk.

Management asserted that this would “exacerbate the current financial deficit situation,” but based on the amount they’re proposing unit members shoulder ($54,000) relative to the projected deficit, the Bargaining Team considers this to be an exaggeration. (Note that the total amount is roughly one third of the executive director’s bonus that was awarded some time this year.)

Layoff talk
Management said they might begin reaching out to out-of-unit employees about voluntary layoffs as soon as the week of April 22. Management has told our Bargaining Team that it intends to introduce a proposal for voluntary layoffs in our unit, but our team hasn’t seen any details yet.

The bargaining team asked what non-layoff cost-cutting measures are being proposed (aside from passing on $54k in benefit costs to us). None were given, but management promised to schedule a meeting for the week of April 22nd to describe other cost-cutting strategies and host a more robust discussion of the institution’s finances with the Academy’s new CFO and our Bargaining Team.

Additionally, the CAWU team is also working to meet with SEIU researchers on their findings on the Academy’s finances.

If you directly receive anything related to voluntary layoffs, please let the bargaining team know immediately. Email or speak to someone on the bargaining team in person.

Promotions, raises, bonuses
After hearing from members about stalled promotions, the Bargaining Team asked for an update from management on how promotions are being carried out. Previously, some members of our unit were told that promotions were on hold because of bargaining. The Bargaining Team made it crystal clear to management on March 5 that promotions to positions within our bargaining unit can be made according to the status quo. However, management now says, as of April 16, that all promotions will be halted due to the “deficit situation.”

Have you received a raise or bonus in the last two months? Please let us know! No judgment—and congratulations! We just need to know if policy is being applied consistently. Email

Contract Article 6: Selection and Hiring
The Bargaining Team passed along its initial Selection and Hiring proposal to management. This article will deal with processes concerning job posting, filling of vacancies, probationary periods, temporary employment, subcontracting, and interviews.

If you have thoughts about these topics, talk to your colleagues, contact your Bargaining Team representative, get in touch with a CAT member, or attend a meeting.

Academy management agreed to refer to our Bargaining Team as the CalAcademy Workers United Bargaining Team, rather than “SEIU” when they talk about negotiations.

Thoughts for the weeks ahead
Layoffs and benefit cost increases are the means by which management is proposing to restructure the Academy’s budget. Or at least, these are the only ones management has shared with our Bargaining Team.

If a budget is a statement of priorities, what does this mean? That all other spending is more important? Here is something we have noticed about current Academy budget priorities that we would like to reevaluate:

Because we have a union, we have the potential to have a powerful voice in deciding what to prioritize in the Academy’s budget. But our power is only as strong as we are organized.

How you can help

  1. Make sure you are signed up for membership, and that you know why it matters. Make sure that your colleagues know why membership matters too. Ask them!

  2. Make sure our union is visible. Wear your button while you are at work.

  3. Join us this Thursday April 25 for our monthly all-unit meeting at noon in the Classroom. 12:00 to 1:45pm

  4. Share your opinion: do you think layoffs are an acceptable way to balance the Academy’s budget? Email


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