February news and important dates

“If you have any questions or concerns…”

There has been a lot of talk about management's Compensation Program Review. What exactly does it all mean? We aren’t sure – but do know that in the end you’ll have to decide. No really, you will.

Why? Because we have a union, any changes to wages or working conditions that management wants must be bargained with our union. That means that management must sit down with the Bargaining Team members – our colleagues who we have elected – and discuss the proposed changes.

After hearing management’s proposals for this and other issues, the Bargaining Team will then need to come to all of us and talk it over, before going back to management with our ideas and proposals. This means holding office hours, tabling sessions, discussions at our monthly lunch meetings, online town halls, online surveys, one-on one conversations, and more. In the end, we’ll vote on all those changes when it comes time to ratify our contract.

Having a union means unilateral decision making by management is over. We wonder why management didn’t mention this in their email on January 24th. Why wouldn’t they mention that?

So if you have any questions or concerns, if you like, you can contact your manager as the January 24th PACT email suggests… but remember that if you talk it over with your colleagues, or get in touch with your Bargaining Team representative, a Contract Action Team organizer, or your 1021 field rep Mac Stevenson, you’ll be building the power of our collective effort to democratize our workplace.

Speaking of visibility

Why do we do t-shirt and pin day? It’s fun, but it’s also something that’s necessary to be able to get to yes about things we really care about when management says no. You might remember that management has already said no to us before–when we asked for voluntary recognition, and when we asked for non-interference in our election.

Should we expect all “yes” at the bargaining table? If management says, “no,” what do we do then?

Labor law forced management to recognize our union after our yes vote, but it won’t force management to agree to anything in our contract. In order to have negotiating power we have to show that we are capable of coordinated collective action. That’s why t-shirt and pin day is important.


13 and 20 February, and 5 March, (Tuesdays): T-shirt and pin days
These are the days when our bargaining team is scheduled to meet with management. Wear your union t-shirt or black and orange and your union button.Your bargaining team is more powerful when all of us are involved.

Working remotely? Download the CalAcademy Workers United digital pin.

22 February (Thursday) 12:00pm to 1:45pm: Lunch Meeting
Gather in person! We have tentatively reserved the Moss Room because the classroom is unavailable. Get to know your fellow members and get the latest news about bargaining. Have your questions answered by members of your bargaining team.

If you don’t know how to get to the Moss Room, ask a buddy!

25 February (Sunday) 2:00pm to 3:00pm: Zoom Gathering
Can’t meet in person? Attend your union meeting in cyberspace! Get the latest news about bargaining and have your questions answered by members of your bargaining team. Share your thoughts. Join here: https://seiu1021.zoom.us/j/85232515547 Meeting ID: 852 3251 5547 --- One tap mobile +16699006833,

Ongoing events
For more event information, meeting times, and locations, check (or subscribe to) the CalAcademy Workers United Google Calendar.


Sign up for union membership today! Signing up for membership is different from signing the authorization card during our organizing campaign in 2023.

Union membership will allow you to participate in any votes on our first contract.

The more staff that are signed up as union members, the stronger the Bargaining Team will be during the negotiations. Just like you have heard us say over this past year: One Academy, One Union. We are stronger together. Sign up today.


The person sitting/standing next to you
Hi there!

Bargaining Team
Email bar...@calacademyworkersunited.org or strike up a conversation with a member of the team!

Contract Action Team
Members (like you!) volunteering to facilitate communication amongst their colleagues on contract bargaining. CAT plans and organizes events and actions throughout the negotiation process to build the power of our union. The Contract Action Team welcomes volunteers. Just show up at a meeting… ask around…or email orga...@calacademyworkersunited.org.


March news and important updates


📢 Bargaining News