📫 Send a clear message to management

Congratulations on turning out for our first Solidarity Break last Tuesday. You were awesome in your CAWU t-shirts and pins!

Only coordinated, collective actions like these will move Academy management to do the right thing: stop unilateral, illegal layoffs, stop withholding the details of their budget, and commit to negotiating in good faith at the bargaining table. We all have an interest in negotiating a strong contract to set a financially sustainable, equitable path forward for the Academy. But, as it stands now, management seems more focused on delaying, obfuscating, and eliminating beloved programs that serve educators and museum guests.

The next step is to mobilize your friends, family, and community – anyone you know who cares about the Academy and its mission – to support us by writing to Academy management. Let them know our demands and why they matter to you. Use this link to send an email imploring Academy management to reverse program cuts and layoffs, and work with our union to find equitable solutions to the Academy’s current budget challenges.

When you’re done, forward this action to at least five of your friends, family, and colleagues!

In solidarity,
Contract Action Team


Important layoff & bargaining news